Today was one of those days that started off with somewhat of a plan but for the life of me I couldn't get it executed. My goal was simply to get the house picked up and a little clean before the weekend. However, my little guy was having a tough day and didn't want mama to put him down. I think we may be going through some separation anxiety. And this mama was tired after a long week of having daddy gone a lot. So, we didn't get a lot done but I did pick up my camera and capture these sweet little ones today.

This girl is finally let me take her picture again and she has been mighty silly at meal times lately. Just look at that smile!

Thanks to the dollar section at Target these window gels kept her busy for quite a while.

More silliness and little Lucas enjoying his train and animals

One of his many short naps today. He just wanted his mama today.

Love this sweet girl and her love for all her babies.
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