
Friday, November 30, 2012

Lyla And Her Lovies

Lately I've had a strong need to try to document the stage my children are at right now. I think part of it is realizing how many little things I've forgotten about Lyla's first year as we try to remember now that Lucas is at some similar stages. Of course there is so much I do remember but this feeling is making me be intentional about remembering the little things about my little ones.

Lyla has four, wait, five things she has to take to bed with her for every nap and bedtime. When we are getting ready for bed she says, "I need my baby, dolly, blankie, other one, and cake". Let me explain.

She has always had a blankie and last year for Christmas we gave her this doll for Christmas and she started sleeping with it. Then, when Lucas was born, my mom bought her an Itty Bitty Baby from the American girl store and that quickly became her baby and she forgot about her other doll. But then one day she found her other one and started saying it was her "dolly" and it got added to the things we had to have for bedtime.

Then, my mom was wanting to make her another blankie to match the one she had, so one day she brought a piece of fabric home to see how we liked it. Lyla grabbed on to it right away and wouldn't give it up, so now she carries around her blankie and a piece of fabric. She calls it her "other one".

She just received a Strawberry Shortcake doll as an early Christmas present from her cousin and she calls it her "cake". She too has been added to the list of lovies we round up for every nap and bedtime.

One of my favorite things is when you go in to get her from her nap she says, "I need my dolly, baby, blankie, the other one, cake. All'em!" She often says it really fast.  As you can see from the pictures below, her hands are quite full. I just was able to get her saying all of it on video today to go with these pictures. Maybe I'll have to post it soon.

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