
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My New Photo Project-A Month in Photos

Last year I attempted a 365home project. My goal was to take a photo every day, post it on this blog and at the end of the year make a photo album of my project. Well, I guess you can say that didn't completely happen. I did take a lot of photos and I'm thankful for the ones I took. I decided this year that I wasn't going to attempt that specific project even though I still hope to take a photo most days.

I came across a new photo project idea on the blog Simple As That. It's called a Month in Photos. The idea is at the end of the month you make a photo collage using her template and write down what happend that month. At the end of the year you can make an album with each month and journal what happend that month as well.
I'm so excited about this project because I feel like it is totally doable. Since I already take photos and edit them almost daily, it was easy to pick the best photos that represented our month and quickly add them to the collage. I think it took me about 30 minutes. Below you will find my Month in Photos as well as what happend this month.


1. Peek-a-boo became one of Lyla's favorite activities
2. My Grandma came to live with us for a while
3. We hit the halfway mark in my pregnancy.
4. Lyla loved sporting her sunglasses and it actually reminds me of what a mild winter we have had so far.
5. Lyla learned to use a spoon and now wants to eat everything with a spoon. Her favorite is yogurt which she calls "gurt" and asks for it all day long.
6. Lyla had her first icecream bar and we are happy to report that she is finally handling dairy ok. We haven't given her milk yet but she eats cheese and yogurt and has done great.
7. We bought Lyla this little table at Ikea for $20. She plays on it most days and loves it. The only problem is that she also loved to try to stand on the chairs. : )
8. Lyla loves digging in the fridge
9. We love cuddling
10. This is a picture of my Grandma's purse. It has quickly become Lyla's favorite thing to carry around the house, always around her neck.


  1. love your collage Hanni! love your sweet profile picture too btw! :) don't you love how many photos you can fit into that template!? thanks for sharing your collage with us! PS. your date says 2011. :( didn't want you to get to the printing stage and realize it. :) Can't wait to see what your February looks like!! :) Rebecca

  2. Loving your collage! Your family is beautiful. I'm glad that I landed on your blog today - lots of fun things to read :)

  3. I'm so glad you did too Laura! :) thanks so much!Rebecca

  4. Simple Candid And NourishingFebruary 2, 2012 at 5:43 AM

    @Rebecca-thank you so much for visiting my blog and for pointing out that i didn't change the year on my collage. Yikes! That could have been bad if I never realized it. You are a blessing!@Laura-Thank you for your kind comment and for visiting a well.

  5. Hanni, I love your month in review!! So fun to read and see the highlights!

  6. This is a beautiful collage! I especially love those sunglasses! Your daughter is a cutie! Thanks for sharing. ~Jennifer
